Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Packaging Design

This is the website that I love to go on, and it always gives me inspirations. It shows many many examples of the best packaging designs from all around the world. This website will help guide me and inspire me for my thesis project.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Editorial design Resource

Andreu Balius, Type at Work: The Use of Type in Editorial Design (New York: Gingko Press, 2003).

This book provides a detailed look into editorial design, as well as meaningful insights into the use of type as a design component and ways in which type can be used to support the expressive possibilities of visual information.

This resource presents useful guidelines on how typography is used to support the expression of a certain concept, using type as image, and using type with clarity and legibility. This book will enable me for my three thesis projects especially the one focusing on editorial design. I can look back to this book when I create my brochures, and magazines layouts, where a lot of information and type will be presented.

Packaging Design Resource

Marianne R. Klimchuk, Sandra A. Krasovec, Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf (London: Wiley, 2010).

The book provides a framework for today's packaging design business, advices on portfolio development and professional practice guidelines, case studies that showcase how superior packaging designs were created, and insightful images of the design process, design concepts, three-dimensional models, and prototypes.

The content in the book is very useful. It has a highly visual-coverage and it fundamentally discusses how to create packaging designs for consumer brands that effectively communicate in the retail environment.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Way-finding Resource

David Gibson, The Wayfinding Handbook: Information Design for Public Places (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009).

By using real life examples, the book illustrates the way type, color, mapmaking, dimensional forms, material selection, and new media are used to create effective way-finding systems. The author draws on his thirty years of experience collaborating with architects, planners, developers, managers, and civic leaders to offer an insider's view of this rapidly evolving discipline.

The book fits into my research and I find it useful because it guides you to the discipline from planning and design to practical considerations such as setting up teams and managing projects.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

AIDS research

For the first and second thesis proposal, I will focus on packaging design and way-finding system. For my third proposal, I want to bring AIDS awareness to the Canadian public with editorial design. So I did some research on this topic and I came across this website, which is very informational and useful:

Here is an American HIV-prevention poster from 1989 and I thought it's pretty shocking and it makes you realize that somebody who has HIV may not show any signs or symptoms.

“AIDS” AVERT, 2010, 4 Apr 2010

A showcase of 20+ airport signage designs and wayfinding systems

This website shows photos of airport signage and informations that the author had collected from cities all over the world. This is a part of my research for my one of my thesis proposal which will focus on way finding systems.

Sander Baumann, “Airport Signage: Photo inspiration,” Design Workplan, 2009, Design Workplan. 4 Apr 2010

Happy Colorful Easter!

I set up this picture with a basket, and inside the basket are a bunny lollipop, easter eggs, flowers, and a jar of jam....the basket is about 1.5 inch long! I then photoshopped the pictures in different tones.